Life is Like a Bowl of Glitter

Several years ago, when I accidently walked into a nest of spiders, I was bitten seven times. My doctor prescribed Prednisone. It made me crazy. My mind raced. I talked non-stop about anything or nothing. I couldn’t sleep at all. I experienced hallucinations (though, they were probably from the spider venom). My husband suffered in silence. As I was trying to sleep one night, I suddenly had this compelling idea: if I pour glitter into a bowl of vegetable oil, I would know the secret to life! Well, of course, I had to do this right away! It was amazing! I was exclaiming quite loudly about what I was “seeing” and my noise woke my husband up. He came into the kitchen to see if I was okay, and I showed him the bowl of oil and glitter. He was not impressed. It was 4 am. He went back to bed. I, however, knew this was an important discovery, even if I was in drug-induced insanity. So, here it is for your enrichment, The Glitter Theory.

Take a bowl of vegetable oil and put it under a bright light. Now sprinkle some large flake glitter onto its surface. Watch what happens to the glitter. Some stays on top for a while and reflects the light very brightly, and some sinks right to the bottom. The rest, the majority, slowly fall, flipping over and over, sometimes reflecting and sometimes not. Notice how some of the glitter clumps together during its descent. The bigger the clump, the faster the fall. The clumps seem to get even bigger once the bottom is reached. Even shaking the bowl does not dislodge the biggest clumps. Some individual pieces, however, move up through the oil during the “shake-up” and have another opportunity to align themselves with the light as they fall once more. Some tumble just as they did before, flipping over and over, showing both sides. A few descend again quickly, reflecting nothing.

If the light is divinity and the bowl is the universe and the oil is the matrix of the physical plane, the glitter could be us. The big difference being that we have consciousness, therefore, we can control how we aim ourselves during our journey through physical existence. We can choose to reflect the light and float for a while or tumble swiftly and blindly, sometimes catching a glimpse of something larger than ourselves if we happen to be paying attention.

Sometimes we are only able to see the dark side, sinking straight to the bottom, grabbing hold of others as we go, fearing the fall, without ever noticing the light. There we would stay, in clumps at the bottom, holding each other down until everything is shaken up again.

For a moment, I felt as if I was deity waiting, searching, hoping to see my loving radiance magnified in every human heart. I found myself shaking the bowl often to give the little pieces of glitter plenty of opportunities to align with the light. As I watched the glitter move through the oil, reflecting here and there, I could hear myself encouraging the little flakes to turn and reflect more, marveling at the beauty of the sparkles!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if all the glitter could turn and reflect the light together at the same time? The glow that would be coming from the bowl would be more brilliant than the original because of the multitude of reflective surfaces intentionally aligned! Not only would the original light be reflected, but also the glow from each piece of glitter would be reflected in its neighbor, magnifying it exponentially!

If each of us can be aware of the luminosity of Source and consciously align with it, integrating it into our whole selves, how magnificently we would shine together! We would truly have brought enlightenment into the world!

I could understand how those who hadn’t yet recognized Source might see someone glowing ever so brightly and think, “I need to attach myself to that person! I want some of that energy!” For the one glowing brightly, this might feel good at first. This attention could feel so good, in fact, the ego might want more and more. But, remember, “the bigger the clump, the faster the fall.”

We must each be mindful of the true source of the living luminosity and know we can travel through our physical existence side by side, each doing our part in reflecting enlightenment in the earthly plane but respecting each other’s space and freedom to make their own journey.